The European Eye Bank Association is proud to announce the renaming of its Travel Grant Scheme in honour and memory of Andrew Tullo MD FRCOphth.
As Medical Director of the Manchester Eye Bank, Andrew Tullo was an internationally renowned eye banker who had a positive and prominent influence on the development of the European Eye Bank Association and on the promotion of eye banking in Europe. Andrew was also a distinguished corneal surgeon and scholar, and his dedication and unstinting commitment to the field of Ophthalmology and his extensive research into corneal and external eye diseases, including infection and immunology, are sorely missed.
In appreciation of Andrew’s life and work, the European Eye Bank Association is offering two (2) travel grants to enable technical and scientific staff from the eye banking community to attend the EEBA Annual Meeting. To apply for one of these grants please send a formal application letter to the EEBA Secretariat in accordance with the grant guidelines (see link)