
Niel Ehlers Memorial Lecture

  • Professor Jesper Hjortdal - Department of Ophthalmology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

Presenter at the XXX Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association (Coimbra, 26 January 2018) of the inaugural Niels Ehlers Annual Memorial Lecture to commemorate and acknowledge the major contribution to corneal transplantation made by Professor Ehlers as an ophthalmologist, a researcher and pioneering eye banker, and whose vision created the European Eye Bank Association in 1989

  • Professor Gerrit Melles, Amnitrans EyeBank Rotterdam, Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery (NIIOS) - The Netherlands

Presenter at the XXXI Annual Meeting of the European Eye Bank Association (Rotterdam, 18 January 2019) of the second Niels Ehlers Annual Memorial Lecture

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